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How you manage your savings is personal to you – it can be a challenging balance between making sure you have enough to live comfortably now and building security for your future.
Take a look at our customer stories to see how other people might be saving.
These examples are purely for illustrative purposes to show how savings products can be used at different age groups to meet different saving needs.
I graduated from university last year and have been working for my current employer for around two months.
Adam, 22
I live with my parents which means I don't pay rent etc. Being contractually enrolled by my employer is an ideal solution as I know that if I start contributing at a young age, I'm more likely to achieve the life I want at retirement - even though it feels like a long way off at the moment. As my employer will also contribute, and I can afford to do it, I'm going to take advantage of this. I'll also get tax relief on my contributions. I'm going to use my online account to see how my investments are doing.
I have recently started at my current employers and I've been automatically enrolled into their pension scheme.
Maria, 30
I'm trying to work out how much I should be contributing to achieve the lifestyle I want in retirement. I was finding it difficult to understand, but I have been using my online account to help me work it out as it shows me how much I've saved and what this could produce in retirement. At the moment my contributions are going into funds chosen by my employer, but when I am more confident and after speaking to a financial adviser, I'll choose where I should invest my funds.
I like saving with Aviva because I can look at everything online.
Rose, 45
I’m quite conservative about money – I’m very conscious about how I spend and save it. The industry I work in is changing and I have to think about what would happen if my skills weren’t needed. I don’t want to fritter anything away and I always research deals and saving. I like saving with Aviva because I can look at everything I’m saving online. It’s easy to think about my options that way.
I’m at an age where retirement is getting closer – time seems to fly.
Trevor, 50
There’s never been a huge amount to put aside after paying rent and bills. I started putting a little bit extra in my pension a few years ago and it’s good to see it looks like it might help me later.
Retirement is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Andrew, 56
I’m still responsible for a lot for the next six or seven years and then I think I’ll start to be more carefree. Once the kids have left home and I’ve paid off the mortgage, I can start to enjoy myself. Retirement is the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve worked hard and put quite a bit aside in my workplace pension– it gives me peace of mind to know it looks like I’m on track to have a comfortable retirement.
I’ll stop work soon and I’m budgeting for how much I’ll need to get by.
Diana, 64
I couldn’t start planning for my retirement until later in life – I’ll stop work soon and I’m budgeting for how much I’ll need to get by. I use the retirement planning tools to get an idea of how much income I’ll have. I like the fact I can see how much my small pension pot and state pension will be combined. I can work out how much the different retirement options will get me and if I’ll have enough to cover the basics.
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Contact your employer
Adam Cottrell, Pensions Administrator
0300 200 7390
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