Cancelling my Home Insurance policy

Online support

Guide to cancel my Home Insurance policy

You will need to login into your ‘MyInsurance’ account here. If you still need to register we have prepared a guide to help you here.

  1. Head across to our login page here.
  2. Scroll down to find your policy then click on ‘cancel policy’ on the right hand side
  3. Scroll down to find ‘is this cancellation to be effective today?’ (if policy is to be cancelled from a date in the future select no and input date)
  4. Scroll down to reason for cancellation and select option from the drop down
  5. Scroll down and select ‘confirm cancellation’ on the right hand side
  6. Continue down to check any refund or payment due and confirm cancellation date is correct.
  7. Click continue to confirm and cancel
  8. Check payment details are correct
  9. Scroll down and click cancel my policy if all is correct
  10. The policy will then be cancelled from the requested date