Find out how much you could set aside for the funeral you want

Planning for a time when you’re no longer around can be daunting. But being informed about funeral costs can help remove some of that worry, leaving you free to live your life.

How the estimator works

Firstly, it's important to know that it's a guide, not a guarantee. Aviva has checked average funeral prices across the UK to give you an idea of the costs involved. It looks at factors such as your location, the kind of service you want and any extras you choose to include. What you'll get back is an estimate to help you kick off your funeral financial planning.

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Try the Funeral cost estimator

Selecting where you live from the dropdown will give an estimate of how much a funeral could cost in your area. The reason this is asked is because funeral costs vary across the UK. Your estimate will reflect current prices and third party costs in your part of the country*.

Funeral costs can go up over time, so an estimate today may not cover funeral fees in future years

What service would you like

What type of funeral would you want?

Cremation Only (includes the funeral directors fees, coffin, and cremation costs but excludes the funeral service).

Cremation with a service (Includes the funeral director's fees, a coffin, cremation costs and funeral service costs). 

Burial (includes a coffin, cemetery fees and a funeral service but excludes the cost of the burial plot).

Extra services could include

Your funeral cost estimate


The information you've provided has been used to calculate this estimated amount. It's based on average funeral costs in 2024.

How this is calculated

Santander's Over 50s Life Insurance policy can be used to help towards future funeral costs. There is no cash value.

Find out more

*Source - Research carried out for Aviva by Unpitchd in January 2024

How this is calculated

Based on Aviva 2024 research into funeral costs, Aviva worked the average costs of cremations , burials and additional services by region.