Frequently asked questions

Got a question? Take a look at our frequently asked questions to see if we’ve got the answer you’re looking for.


Can I choose not to be enrolled into the scheme?

How much should I invest?

What are funds?

How do I fund my retirement?

How can I monitor and manage my Aviva pension?

Who can help me manage my pension?

What happens when I reach my retirement age?

Can I change my chosen retirement age?

What do I do if I already have another pension plan?

Helping to understand your pension

The following resources are available to help you get an idea of what your future could look like, and what you can do to make changes now.

Find out what you’ve already got, plan how much you might need - and protect your money from fraudsters for your retirement.

And remember, however busy you may be right now it’s worth taking time out to think about your future while there’s still time to make a difference to it.

FInding lost pensions


Protect yourself from fraud

Responsible investment for the future

Where can I go for financial advice?

You can also use our broad range of tools and resources to help you get to grips with your pension.

Contact us

Got a question? We are here to help

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Contact Aviva

Phone: 0345 604 9915


Contact your employer


Guidance and Advice

This site does not provide financial advice.


A good place to start is MoneyHelper, the government-backed free guidance service. The MoneyHelper service won't tell you what you should do, but they'll provide you with information to help you understand your options.

Contact an adviser

For financial advice please contact your financial adviser. You may be charged for this. MoneyHelper can help you find an adviser in your area.